The project "Migrant kids" is coordinated by Poland (FUNDACJA WSPIERANIA KULTURY I JEZYKA POLSKIEGO IM. MIKOLAJA REJA) in partnership with the Netherlands (SU-ASEA), Italy and Cypr

Our project "Cultural Integration for Social Cohesion", project number 2023-2-DK01-KA210-ADU-000173904, abbreviated as CISCO, has been accepted by the Denmark National Agency.

Project MUDI
Our project "Multidisciplinary design of a training for parents and teachers to prevent peer bullying", whose short name is MUDI, was accepted by the Italian National Agency. In th

Our project "Informing on the Rules of Posting", abbreviated as IOR, was accepted within the scope of the European Social Fund + (ESF+) program. The IOR project

New Project : LATER
Our project, called LATER, aims to improve the quality of life of individuals with polymedication (inappropriate use of more than 3 drugs that are not clinically indicated). For this purpose

Our Project PAM
Our project titled "multicultural psychological counselling services in the context of Psychosocial Aspects of Migration", acronym PAM, was accepted by the Netherlands National Age

International Art Competition Results
Thank you for your interest in the international art competition and exhibition themed "Vincent van Gogh 170 Years Old". We would also like to thank the members of the commission w

Slow Food
The Slow Food Movement (The Way We It Does Matter) project, of which SU-ASEA is a partner, was accepted by the Norwegian NA with the reference number “2021-2-NO02-KA220-YOU-000050464&r

Our project, whose acronym is PABSEM, has been approved by the Lithuanian National Agency and PABSEM covers a period of 24 months. PABSEM (Presenting alternative Approaches to Burnout Syn

Our project with reference number 2021‐1‐NO01‐KA220‐ADU‐000030237, whose short name is EMALT, has been accepted by the Norway National Agency.Psychosocial use of polypharmacy in mu

Migration- A Global Challenge Project
Mobility of youth workers “ Migration- A Global Challenge” was designed as a project consisting of 1 mobility. Type of activity; A1 Mobility of youth workers Venue; Aabenraa, D